Genie TechBio

LLM-powered omics analysis that operates entirely in natural language—no coding needed, just like working with human experts.

Biomedical research is transforming into a data-driven science, presenting a challenge for biologists lacking extensive data analysis training. Confronting this obstacle in our own research careers, we resolved to create Genie – an LLM-powered tool designed for Omics analysis operated fully in natural language. Now, researchers, irrespective of their bioinformatics expertise, can effortlessly analyze extensive datasets. Engage in a conversation with Genie, just as you would with a human bioinformatician, and let it do the heavy lifting while you focus on the science. Our mission is crystal clear: accelerate biomedical research and empower scientists with newfound data analysis capabilities.

Get in touch

In our early development phase, we're keen to hear from researchers interested in shaping Genie and investors excited about our vision. Get in touch, and let's start a conversation that could shape the future of bioinformatics together.



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Jump on a call with us to explore the opportunities Genie presents in revolutionizing bioinformatics and accelerating advancements in biomedical research.

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